Publications on Intellectual Cooperation
A shared bibliography
The shared bibliography on Intellectual Cooperation currently contains already 350 items (more than 200 publications since 2010). You can access it here. Due to the important publishing activity around the League of Nations or the history of international relations, this bibliography contains only those publications which deal directly with the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation or the International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation.

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Recent publications on Intellectual cooperation
Items published since 2010. For older publications, links, DOI and other classification criteria, use the Zotero library.
Last update: 1 November 2023
- Bermejo Roldán, Jesús Manuel. ‘Nationalist Interests in the Intellectual Cooperation Work of the League of Nations: The Case of Portugal’. Journal of Contemporary History, 30 August 2023, 00220094231195773.
- Bermejo Roldán, Jesús Manuel. ‘Portugal and the Interwar System of Global Intellectual Cooperation (1922–1939)’. The International History Review 0, no. 0 (9 May 2023): 1–15.
- Bermejo Roldán, Jesús Manuel. ‘Virgínia de Castro e Almeida and Women’s Presence in International Cooperation during the Interwar Period’. Women’s History Review, 23 April 2023, 1–18.
- Caccia Gherardini, Susanna. ‘Patrimoine Collectif Des Nations/Patrimoine Commun de l’Humanité. At the Origins of the Debate on the Conservation of World Heritage’. Restauro Archeologico, 2022, 30–35.
- Carbó-Catalan, Elisabet. ‘Literary Translation: Between Intellectual Cooperation and Cultural Diplomacy: The Ibero-American Collection (1930-1940)’. Translation in Society, 2023.
- Grandjean, Martin. ‘The International Bureaux and Intellectual Cooperation Section’. In League of Nations Secretariat Research Guide, 2023.
- Irish, Tomás. Feeding the Mind: Humanitarianism and the Reconstruction of European Intellectual Life, 1919–1933. Cambridge University Press, 2023.
- Li, Kaiyi, and Huimei Zhou. ‘The International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation and Chinese Cultural Diplomacy during the Interwar Period’. The International History Review, 2023, 1–18.
- Lor, Peter Johan. ‘IFLA in the International Arena before the Second World War: Evidence from the Actes Du Comité International Des Bibliothèques, and the Digitized League of Nations Archives’. Mons: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023.
- Schläpfer, Anne-Frédérique. ‘L’histoire littéraire au prisme des institutions internationales’. Colloquium Helveticum, no. 52 (2023): 101–16.
- Carbó-Catalan, Elisabet. ‘Foreign Catalan Projection. An Overview of the Catalan Case’. Comparative Literature Studies, 2022.
- Carbó-Catalan, Elisabet, and Reine Meylaerts. ‘Translation Policies in the Long Durée. From the International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation to UNESCO’. In Global Literary Studies: Key Concepts, edited by Diana Roig-Sanz and Neus Rotger. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022.
- Carbó-Catalan, Elisabet, and Diana Roig-Sanz. Culture as Soft Power. Bridging Cultural Relations, Intellectual Cooperation and Cultural Diplomacy. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022.
- Dumont, Juliette. ‘Pan-American Intellectual Cooperation. Emergence, Institutionalization, and Fields of Action’. In The New Pan-Americanism and the Structuring of Inter-American Relations, edited by Juan Pablo Scarfi and David M. K. Sheinin. Routledge, 2022.
- Dumont, Juliette. ‘Chilean Cultural Diplomacy and Cultural Internationalisms: An Entangled History (1927–1940s)’. In Culture as Soft Power. Bridging Cultural Relations, Intellectual Cooperation, and Cultural Diploma, edited by Elisabet Carbó-Catalan and Diana Roig-Sanz, 99–120. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022.
- Garbisu, Margarita. ‘The Europäische Revue and the European Cultural Union: Culture and Soft Power in the Interwar Period’. In Culture as Soft Power Bridging Cultural Relations, Intellectual Cooperation, and Cultural Diplomacy, edited by Elisabet Carbó-Catalan and Diana Roig-Sanz, 217–32. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022.
- Grandjean, Martin. ‘The Paris/Geneva Divide. A Network Analysis of the Archives of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations’. In Culture as Soft Power. Bridging Cultural Relations, Intellectual Cooperation, and Cultural Diplomacy, edited by Elisabet Carbó-Catalan and Diana Roig-Sanz. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022, 65-98.
- González, Alexandra Pita. ‘De París a La Habana: el Centro Internacional (americano) de Cooperación Intelectual’. Estudios de Historia Moderna y Contemporánea de México, no. 1 (25 August 2022): 135–60.
- Humphreys, Adam. ‘Articulating Britishness: Cultural Mediators and the Development of the British Institute of Florence’. In Culture as Soft Power Bridging Cultural Relations, Intellectual Cooperation, and Cultural Diplomacy, edited by Elisabet Carbó-Catalan and Diana Roig-Sanz, 169–90. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022.
- Maurel, Chloé. ‘1932, La Conférence Sur Le Désarmement’. L’Humanité, 29 September 2022.
- Mizala, Camila Gatica. ‘Cinema and Education: Translating the International Educational Cinematographic Institute to 1930s Chile’. In Culture as Soft Power Bridging Cultural Relations, Intellectual Cooperation, and Cultural Diplomacy, edited by Elisabet Carbó-Catalan and Diana Roig-Sanz, 147–68. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022.
- Navascués, Santiago de. ‘El fermento y la masa. discusiones frustradas en torno al espíritu europeo en el Instituto Internacional de Cooperación Intelectual (1933-1936)’. Historia y Politica, 2022, 1–24.
- Pita, Alexandra. ‘Peace? Debates on Intellectual Cooperation in America. Santiago, 1939’. In Culture as Soft Power Bridging Cultural Relations, Intellectual Cooperation, and Cultural Diplomacy, edited by Elisabet Carbó-Catalan and Diana Roig-Sanz, 121–46. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022.
- Schläpfer, Anne-Frédérique. ‘La Collection ibéro-américaine de l’institut international de coopération intellectuelle (1930-1939). Un exemple de glocalisation’. Colloquium Helveticum, no. 51 (2022): 101–12.
- Simone, Giulia. ‘“A League of Minds”? Uses and Abuses of the League of Nations’ Internationalism by Fascist Italy’. Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 2022, 1–19.
- Stöckmann, Jan. The Architects of International Relations: Building a Discipline, Designing the World, 1914-1940. Cambridge University Press, 2022.
- Stöckmann, Jan. ‘Peace in the Minds of Men and Women’. In The Architects of International Relations: Building a Discipline, Designing the World, 1914-1940, 119–60. Cambridge University Press, 2022.
- Trötschel-Daniels, Bianka. ‘Cultural Diplomacy and Cultural Heritage: Envisioned, Refused, Denied, Accomplished (1889–1969)’. In Culture as Soft Power Bridging Cultural Relations, Intellectual Cooperation, and Cultural Diplomacy, edited by Elisabet Carbó-Catalan and Diana Roig-Sanz, 269–96. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022.
- Voges, Jonathan. ‘Scientific Internationalism in a Time of Crisis. The Month of Intellectual Cooperation at the 1937 Paris World Fair’. In Placing Internationalism: International Conferences and the Making of the Modern World, edited by Stephen Legg, Mike Heffernan, Jake Hodder, and Benjamin Thorpe, 104–17. Bloomsbury Academic, 2022.
- Voges, Jonathan. ‘“Erziehung Im Sinner Der Völkerversöhnung”. Der Völkerbund Als Gegenstand Des Geschichtsunterrichts in Der Weimarer Republik’. In Bildung Und Demokratie in Der Weimarer Republik, edited by Andreas Braune, Sebastian Elsbach, and Ronny Noak, 165–80. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2022.
–2022 sub-category: Conference papers of the Centenary
- Brylinski, Emeline, and Rita Hofstetter. ‘Education and Childhood, a Coveted Field. The International Bureau of Education, an Intergovernmental Body Seized in Its Relational Network’. In Centenary of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. Geneva, 2022.
- Carbó-Catalan, Elisabet. ‘Translation Activities in the Organization of Intellectual Cooperation’. In Centenary of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. Geneva, 2022.
- Chang, Jennifer. ‘Beyond Representation: The Bibliothèque Sino-Internationale and the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation, 1933-1939’. In Centenary of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. Geneva, 2022.
- Davies, Thomas. ‘Three Approaches to Transnational Intellectual Cooperation: The Entente Committee of the Royal Society of Literature, International PEN, and the Co-Ordinating Committee of the Major International Associations, 1916-1939’. In Centenary of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. Geneva, 2022.
- Ducci, Annamaria. ‘The League of Nations and Cultural Heritage. For an Intellectual History of a Notion’. In Centenary of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. Geneva, 2022.
- Dutta, Arnab. ‘Towards the Invention of a Common Language of Science: The League of Nations’ Committee for Intellectual Cooperation and the Colonial Question in British India’. In Centenary of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. Geneva, 2022.
- Faucher, Charlotte. ‘European Cultural Diplomacies and the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation (ICIC)’. In Centenary of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. Geneva, 2022.
- Feichtinger, Johannes. ‘Central Europe and the Making of Intellectual Cooperation’. In Centenary of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. Geneva, 2022.
- Galvez-Behar, Gabriel. ‘Intellectual Cooperation and the Institutionalization of Scientific Research’. In Centenary of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. Geneva, 2022.
- Gatica Mizala, Camila. ‘‘Le Film, Éducateur Universel”. The Reception of the International Educational Cinematographic Institute in Chile’. In Centenary of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. Geneva, 2022.
- Goodman, Joyce. ‘Laura Dreyfus-Barney (1897-1974), the International Council of Women and International Intellectual Cooperation at Paris, Geneva, and Rome’. In Centenary of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. Geneva, 2022.
- Grandjean, Martin. ‘Intellectual Cooperation, a Short Historiographical Overview’. In Centenary of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. Geneva, 2022.
- Hernandez Sosa, Nelva Mildred, and Alexandra Pita González. ‘Mexico and the Permanent International Studies Conference. The Sense of the International, 1928-1939’. In Centenary of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. Geneva, 2022.
- Irish, Tomás. ‘“The League Committee of Intellectual Cooperation […] Has Never Attracted Much Sympathy in Great Britain”: Britain and Intellectual Co-Operation in the Interwar Period’. In Centenary of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. Geneva, 2022.
- Lacquaniti, Leandro. ‘The Argentine Commission for Intellectual Cooperation. The Itinerary of a Cultural Diplomacy Agency of the Argentine State (1936-1948)’. In Centenary of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. Geneva, 2022.
- Li, Kaiyi. ‘Teaching about the League of Nations: An Attempt of Cultivating International Consensus during the Interwar Period’. In Centenary of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. Geneva, 2022.
- Martin, Benjamin. ‘Fascist Cultural Internationalism? Intellectual Cooperation in Mussolini’s Italy, 1925-1937’. In Centenary of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. Geneva, 2022.
- Papadaki, Marilena. ‘N. Politis (1872-1942), a “governments’ Intellectual’: The Promotion of the Idea of Intellectual Cooperation as a Basis for World Peace’. In Centenary of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. Geneva, 2022.
- Riondet, Xavier. ‘How to Guide and Justify the Work of the Intellectual Cooperation on Textbooks? About the Constitution and the Action of the Committee of Experts de 1931’. In Centenary of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. Geneva, 2022.
- Roig-Sanz, Diana. ‘A Global and Gender Perspective to the Historiography of Intellectual Cooperation’. In Centenary of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. Geneva, 2022.
- Saikawa, Takashi. ‘Nationalism and Internationalism in Intellectual Co-Operation: Aikitsu Tanakadate and the Romanization of Japanese Language’. In Centenary of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. Geneva, 2022.
- Scaglia, Ilaria. ‘A League of Minds with a Heart: Intellectual Cooperation and Emotions in the Interwar Period and Beyond’. In Centenary of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. Geneva, 2022.
- Schacht, Anastassiya. ‘Scholar amidst Borders: Soviet Representative to the League’s Committee on Intellectual Cooperation as a Case Study for an Attempt of Cross-Ideological Cooperation in the Interwar Europe’. In Centenary of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. Geneva, 2022.
- Sibille, Christiane. ‘« Les Relations Internationales Au Point de Vue Musical » – Music and Intellectual Cooperation’. In Centenary of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. Geneva, 2022.
- Šipelytė, Monika. ‘Gabrielle Radziwill: The Story of Eastern European Princess at the Service of Intellectual Cooperation’. In Centenary of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. Geneva, 2022.
- Stöckmann, Jan. ‘Academic Refugees and Intellectual Cooperation at the League of Nations’. In Centenary of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. Geneva, 2022.
- Toledo Garcia, Itzel. ‘Women in International Cooperation during the Interwar Period: The Case of Mexican Palma Guillén’. In Centenary of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. Geneva, 2022.
- Van Dijk, Pelle. ‘Mobilising International Public Opinion: Moral Disarmament as the Public Diplomacy of the League of Nations’. In Centenary of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. Geneva, 2022.
- Voges, Jonathan. ‘In the Engine Room of Intellectual Cooperation. A Prosographic Approach to the Civil Servants of the Institut International de Coopération Intellectuelle in Paris’. In Centenary of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. Geneva, 2022.
- Goodman, Joyce. ‘Concentric Circles and Magnetic Currents: Moral Disarmament at the League of Nations International Institute of Educational Cinematography, 1931-34’. In Folds of Past, Present and Future: Reconfiguring Contemporary Histories of Education, edited by Sarah Van Ruykensvelde, 43–81. De Gruyter, 2021.
- Goodman, Joyce. ‘Suzanne Karpelès’ Encounters in Indochina and Europe in 1931: Multiple Femininities, Colonial Relations and Educative Sites’. In ‘Femininity’ and the History of Women’s Education: Shifting the Frame, edited by Tim Allender and Stephanie Spencer, 63–87. Cham: Springer, 2021.
- Li, Kaiyi. ‘The Use of Foreign Examples to Support Educational Policy Decisions: The Chinese Education Mission to Europe in 1932’. Paedagogica Historica 57, no. 1–2: 164–82.
- Li, Kaiyi. Transnational Education between The League of Nations and China. Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.
- Roig-Sanz, Diana. ‘The International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation: Translation Policies in the Interwar Period (1925–1946)’. In The Routledge Handbook of Translation History, edited by Christopher Rundle, 452–68. Routledge, 2021.
- Roig-Sanz, Diana, and Elisabet Carbó-Catalan. ‘Las Instituciones Culturales y La Cooperación Intelectual. La Creación de Redes Transnacionales En La Primera Modernidad Española’. In Las Dos Modernidades, edited by Domingo Ródenas and Jordi Gracia. Madrid: Visor, 2021.
- Voges, Jonathan. ‘The International Institute for Intellectual Co-Operation at the World Fair 1937 in Paris: Profiling Internationalism in a “Hyper-Nationalistic” Context?’ In World Fairs and the Global Moulding of National Identities, edited by Joep Leerssen and Eric Storm, 356–74. Brill, 2021.
- Cattani, Paola. ‘Ecrivains Ou Diplomates? Hommes de Lettres et Construction Discursive de l’identité Européenne à La Société Des Nations’. In Du Singulier Au Collectif: Construction(s) Discursive(s) de l’identité Collective Dans Les Débats Publics, edited by Paola Paissa and Roselyne Koren, 163–75. Limoges: Editions Lambert-Lucas, 2020.
- De-Navascués-Martínez, Santiago. ‘La trayectoria política e intelectual de Salvador de Madariaga’, 2020.
- Feichtinger, Johannes. ‘On the Fraught Internationalism of Intellectuals: Alfons Dopsch, Austria, and the League’s Intellectual Cooperation Programme’. In Remaking Central Europe: The League of Nations and the Former Habsburg Lands, edited by Peter Becker and Natasha Wheatley. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020.
- Fólica, Laura, and Ventsislav Ikoff. ‘Between the Local and the International: Enrique Gómez Carrillo and Antonio Aita at the International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation’. In Cultural Organizations, Networks and Mediators in Contemporary Ibero-America. Routledge, 2020.
- Goodman, David. ‘Liberal and Illiberal Internationalism in the Making of the League of Nations Convention on Broadcasting in the Cause of Peace’. Journal of World History 31, no. 1 (2020): 165–93.
- Goto-Shibata, Harumi. The League of Nations and the East Asian Imperial Order, 1920–1946. New Directions in East Asian History. Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
- Grandjean, Martin. ‘A Representative Organization? Ibero-American Networks in the Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations (1922-1939)’. In Cultural Organizations, Networks and Mediators in Contemporary Ibero-America, edited by Diana Roig Sanz and Jaume Subira, 65–89. Routledge, 2020.
- Grandjean, Martin. ‘Using Network Analysis to Question the Concepts of Centrality and Periphery in Complex Historical Structures’. Cultural Organizations: Between the Local and the Global (1880s-1960s), Barcelona, 2020.
- Giuliani, Alejandra. ‘The 1936 Meetings of the P.E.N. Clubs and the International Institutie of Intellectual Cooperation in Buenos Aires’. In Cultural Organizations, Networks and Mediators in Contemporary Ibero-America, 127–43. New York: Routledge, 2020.
- Hunyadi, Marie-Elise. ‘Des Études à l’étranger Pour Promouvoir Les Carrières Académiques Féminines? La Fédération Internationale Des Femmes Diplômées Des Universités, Entre Paix et Conquête d’un Bastion Professionnel Masculin (1918–1970)’. Paedagogica Historica 56, no. 6 (1 November 2020): 729–47.
- Irish, Tomás. ‘The “Moral Basis” of Reconstruction? Humanitarianism, Intellectual Relief and the League of Nations, 1918-1925’. Modern Intellectual History 17, no. 1 (2020): 769–800.
- Kirchmair, Lando. ‘A 100 Years Institutionalized Cultural Heritage Protection: From the Institutionalized International Cooperation Intellectuelle to the Human Right to Cultural Heritage’. Brazilian Journal of International Law 17 (2020): 95.
- Matsumoto K. ‘“Culture” in globalization around 1935 - International Congress for the Defense of Culture and International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation’. The Society of Humanities at Kanagawa University - Departmental Bulletin Paper, no. 200 (25 March 2020): 111–47.
- Ninhos, Claudia, and Quintino Lopes. ‘A Cooperação Técnica e Intelectual Ou o Conhecimento Do Outro Para a Paz Mundial’. In Sociedade Das Nações (1920-1946). Promessas e Legados, edited by Pedro Aires Oliveira, 135–53. Lisboa: Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, Instituto Diplomático, 2020.
- Pita González, Alexandra. ‘El Código de La Paz y La Trama Del Panamericanismo En La Década de 1930’. Estudos Ibero Americanos 46, no. 3 (2020): 1–16.
- Pemberton, Jo-Anne. ‘Intellectual Cooperation in War-Time and Plans for Reconstruction’. In The Story of International Relations, Part Three: Cold-Blooded Idealists, edited by Jo-Anne Pemberton, 351–425. Palgrave Studies in International Relations. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
- Pumar, Letícia. ‘Universalisms in Debate During the 1940s: International Organizations and the Dynamics of International Intellectual Cooperation in the View of Brazilian Intellectual Miguel Ozório de Almeida’. In Cultural Organizations, Networks and Mediators in Contemporary Ibero-America. Routledge, 2020.
- Riondet, Xavier. ‘L’Institut international de coopération intellectuelle : comment promouvoir un enseignement répondant à l’idéal internationaliste (1931-1937) ?’ Relations internationales n° 183, no. 3 (2020): 77–93.
- Riondet, Xavier. ‘La Résolution Casarès, Ou Les Premiers Pas Difficiles de La Coopération Intellectuelle Au Sujet Des Manuels Scolaires (1925-1939)’. In Internationalismes Éducatifs Entre Débats et Combats, edited by Joëlle Droux and Rita Hofstetter, 143–71. Bruxelles: Peter Lang, 2020.
- Roig-Sanz, Diana, and Jaume Subirana. Cultural Organizations, Networks and Mediators in Contemporary Ibero-America. Routledge, 2020.
- Taillibert, Christel. ‘Le cinéma d’éducation et le projet internationaliste de la SDN : la brève histoire de l’Institut international du cinéma éducatif’. Relations internationales n° 183, no. 3 (2020): 95–112.
- Vrdoljak, Ana Filipa, and Lynn Meskell. ‘Intellectual Cooperation Organisation, Unesco, and the Culture Conventions’. In The Oxford Handbook of International Cultural Heritage Law, edited by Francesco Francioni and Ana Filipa Vrdoljak. Oxford University Press, 2020.
- Vuljevic, Suzana. ‘The Crisis of Spirit: Pan-Balkan Idealism, Transnational Cultural-Diplomatic Networks and Intellectual Cooperation in Interwar Southeast Europe, 1930–1941’. Ph.D., 2020.
- Cattani, Paola. ‘Paul Valéry et La Société Des Esprits: Un Idéaliste Réaliste à La Société Des Nations’. In Paul Valéry et La Méditerranée, 263–87. Saint Clément de rivière: Fata Morgana, 2019.
- Galvez-Behar, Gabriel. ‘L’impossible institutionnalisation de la propriété scientifique, 1919-1939’, 2019.
- García, Itzel Toledo. ‘Alfonso Reyes, Genaro Estrada y Jean Périer: el fortalecimiento de los lazos intelectuales entre México y Francia (1924-1928)’. Boletín del Archivo General de la Nación 9, no. 03 (1 November 2019): 72–95.
- Grandjean, Martin, and Marco Van Leeuwen. ‘Mapping Internationalism: Congresses and Organisations in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries’. In International Organizations and Global Civil Society: Histories of the Union of International Associations, edited by Daniel Laqua, Wouter Van Acker, and Christophe Verbruggen, 225–42. London: Bloomsbury, 2019.
- Irish, Tomás. ‘The “Moral Basis” of Reconstruction? Humanitarianism, Intellectual Relief and the League of Nations, 1918-1925’. Modern Intellectual History 16, no. 1 (2019): 1–32.
- Laqua, Daniel, Wouter Van Acker, and Christophe Verbruggen. International Organizations and Global Civil Society. Histories of the Union of International Associations. Bloomsbury, 2019.
- Pita González, Alexandra. ‘América (Latina) En París. Mistral, Reyes y Torres Bodet En La Colección Iberoamericana, 1927-1940’. In América Latina y El Internacionalismo Ginebrino de Entreguerras: Resonancias e Implicaciones, edited by Fabián Herrera León and Yannick Wehrli, 241–76. México: Dirección General del Acervo Histórico Diplomático, 2019.
- Pita González, Alexandra. ‘La Colección Etnográfica e Historia de América y El Embajador Roberto Levillier En México, 1934-1939’. Historia Mexicana LXVIII, no. 4 (2019): 1697–1742.
- Reinbothe, Roswitha. Deutsch als internationale Wissenschaftssprache und der Boykott nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg. 2., Überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2019.
- Scaglia, Ilaria. The Emotions of Internationalism: Feeling International Cooperation in the Alps in the Interwar Period. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.
- Taillibert, Christel. L’Istituto Internazionale per la cinematografia educativa. Il ruolo del cinema educativo nella politica internazionale del fascismo italiano. Anicia, collana Insegnare il Novecento, 2019.
- Voges, Jonathan. ‘Eine Internationale Der „Geistesarbeiter“? Institutionalisierte Intellektuelle Zusammenarbeit Im Rahmen Des Völkerbundes’. In Grenzüberschreitende Institutionalisierte Zusammenarbeit von Der Antike Bis Zur Gegenwart, edited by Christian Henrich-Franke, Claudia Hiepel, Guido Thiemeyer, and Henning Türk, 355–84. Nomos, 2019.
- Cattani, Paola. ‘Polémiques et “Indénonçables”: Le Débat Sur l’Europe à La Société Des Nations Pendant l’entre-Deux-Guerres’. Le Discours et La Langue, no. 10.1 (2018): 41–56.
- Chagnon, Marie-Eve, and Tomás Irish. ‘Introduction: The Academic World in the Era of the Great War’. In The Academic World in the Era of the Great War, edited by Marie-Eve Chagnon and Tomás Irish, 1–18. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2018.
- Hartmann, Maj Antonie. ‘The Exchange of Educational Publications in the 1920s and New Forms of Cooperation Between Publishers and the State’. Tokyo, 2018.
- Goodman, Joyce. ‘“Shaping the Mentality of Races and Especially of Young People”: The League of Nations and the Educational Cinematography Congress, 1934’. League of Nations: Histories, Legacies and Impact, 16 July 2018, 197–213.
- Goodman, Joyce. ‘Becoming, Being and Kaleidoscopic Configurations: Laura Dreyfus-Barney, the Bahá’í Faith and Educative Work for Peace’. Bildungsgeschichte (IJHE) 8, no. 1 (15 March 2018): 123–34.
- Grandjean, Martin. ‘Les réseaux de la coopération intellectuelle. La Société des Nations comme actrice des échanges scientifiques et culturels dans l’entre-deux-guerres’. Université de Lausanne, 2018.
- Hofstetter, Rita, and Xavier Riondet. ‘International Institutions, Pacifism and the Attack on Warmongering Textbooks’. In Textbooks and War: Historical and Multinational Perspectives, edited by Eugenia Roldán Vera and Eckhardt Fuchs, 201–32. Palgrave Studies in Educational Media. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
- Laqua, Daniel. ‘Internationalism and Nationalism in the League of Nations’ Work for Intellectual Cooperation’. In Internationalism, Imperialism and the Formation of the Contemporary World: The Pasts of the Present, edited by Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo and José Pedro Monteiro, 59–85. Palgrave Macmillan Transnational History Series. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
- Lopes, Quintino. ‘Science and Diplomacy: The National Education Board and the League of Nations. Portugal in the 1930s’. E-Journal of Portuguese History 16, no. 2 (2018): 42–58.
- Scaglia, Ilaria. ‘Branding Internationalism: Displaying Art and International Cooperation in the Interwar Period’. In Nation Branding in Modern History, edited by Carolin Viktorin, Jessica C. E. Gienow-Hecht, Annika Estner, and Marcel K. Will, 79–100. New York: Berhahn Books, 2018.
- Scaglia, Ilaria. ‘The “Hydrologist’s Weapons”: Emotions and the Moral Economy of Internationalism, 1921-1952’. In New Interdisciplinary Landscapes in Morality and Emotion, edited by Sara Graça da Silva, 140–52. London: Routledge, 2018.
- Shine, Cormac. ‘Papal Diplomacy by Proxy? Catholic Internationalism at the League of Nations’ International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation, 1922-1939’. Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 2018, 1–21.
- Witt, Steven William. ‘Making Internationalism Conscious: Libraries and the Transnational Propagation of the International Mind (1911 – 1951)’. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2018.
- Cattani, Paola. ‘Europe as a Nation? Intellectuals and Debate on Europe in the Inter-War Period’. History of European Ideas 43, no. 6 (18 August 2017): 674–82.
- Goto-Shibata, Harumi. ‘Britain, the League of Nations and Russian Women Refugees in China in the Interwar Period’. In Britain’s Retreat from Empire in East Asia, 1905–1980, edited by Anthony Best. Routledge, 2017.
- Grandjean, Martin. ‘Analisi e Visualizzazioni Delle Reti in Storia. L’esempio Della Cooperazione Intellettuale Della Societa Delle Nazioni’. Memoria e Ricerca 55, no. 2 (2017): 371–93.
- Laqua, Daniel. ‘Activism in the ‘Students’ League of Nations’: International Student Politics and the Confédération Internationale des Étudiants, 1919–1939’. The English Historical Review 132, no. 556 (2017): 605–37.
- Savino, Melania. ‘Creating the Idea of the Museum through the Pages of the Journal Mouseion’. In Images of the Art Museum: Connecting Gaze and Discourse in the History of Museology, 111–32. De Gruyter, 2017.
- Shine, Cormac. ‘La Contre-Eglise Des Humanitaristes et Des Internationalistes: Vatican Multilateral Diplomacy and Catholic Internationalism at the League of Nations, 1917-1939’. Institut de hautes études internationales et du développement, 2017.
- Taillibert, Christel, and Marco Antonio d’Arcangeli. ‘Luciano De Feo, un internazionalista pacifista nell’Italia mussoliniana?’ Cinema e Storia, 2017.
- Dumont, Juliette. ‘Un panaméricanisme à la brésilienne ? Le projet d’Institut Interaméricain de Coopération Intellectuelle (1926-1930)’. Nuevo Mundo Mundos Nuevos. Nouveaux mondes mondes nouveaux - Novo Mundo Mundos Novos - New world New worlds, 2016.
- Grandjean, Martin. ‘Archives Distant Reading: Mapping the Activity of the League of Nations’ Intellectual Cooperation’. In Digital Humanities, 531–34. Krakow, 2016.
- Irish, Tomás. ‘Scholarly Identities in War and Peace: The Paris Peace Conference and the Mobilization of Intellect’. Journal of Global History 11, no. 3 (2016): 365–86.
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